I was approached by Stream Realty Partners to create a custom art piece that would elevate the upscale vibe and aesthetic of their Uptown Dallas development, the QUAD. The concept for this project is based on my simulation work that has been featured on a variety of screens and surfaces around the world. ​​​​​​​
"Aerotides" is a fusion of "aero," referring to air or the atmosphere, and "tides," which signifies the rhythmic, flowing movement often associated with natural cycles. Together, it evokes a sense of continuous, atmospheric flow, like currents of air or particles moving in a tide-like manner. It suggests a harmonious, natural phenomenon of drifting particles or smoke in motion, rising and falling with a sense of fluidity. 
Initially, I aimed for an anamorphic projection illusion. However, with three sides, some kind of geometric cheat was inevitable to make the third side work. Ultimately, the main illusion resulted in pixels that were too stretched for the side wall to be a viable option for this lobby layout and standard viewing distance. I drew inspiration from the refraction that occurs when two pieces of glass join together at a fish tank corner, where light bends towards you at two angles from a single point. I used that angle and rephotographed the side walls to simulate the effect. The result is a clean image on all sides, with cohesive interior contents that create a true sense of depth inside the screen.
Below are early concepts and RnD images.

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